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更新时间:2025-03-10 13:15:07
  • 双语例句

1. Mountain climbing, it is best to start up in the morning, you bus to the village of camel under the cherry after the morning because so many people will climb to exercise, so you take a look at the number of people that is the alley uphill Way, way up the mountain, some very formal, that is, be able to see that it is a spare enclosure to the mountains, very gentle way, that is a bit long, do climbing, do go on to lose the meaning and feeling, so can Select a little steep road, but they may not like the way just the way it has, there is no cement, and some are stone road or dirt road is simply that in the past is not the way, but those who take more, it has become a way, so Is not difficult to find, when climbing to the attention of stop-and-go, rest breaks, is the best and a few friends, put on dry food and water to climb together, this is the case, or to have a look after each other, act as long as the road On the road trip, do not take the grass is no one on the road to reach the OK, the saying goes down easily into the mountains is difficult, so the clothes to wear as much as possible on those who wear light clothing and shoes that, if slow uphill climb will be a An hour or so, probably will be able to, on a hill, although not very high, only a few hundred meters high, but down from the hills to see or feel very good, I have to go to college to work for a year now, a total of Went to four or five times now!

2. Running is good exercise for many people.(2).The students have to do a lot of math exercises.(3).We not only do morning exercises but also do eye exercises every day. Lesson 2 Many faces, One Picture
wear 动词表示穿着,它有一些近义词,如:put on ,dress,in 注意它们的区别。put on 意思是穿上强调穿的动作,dress意思是给某人穿或自己穿衣服。in 表示穿着的状态,与wear意思相同,但不能单独使用,需要和be一起做谓语,后面常跟表示颜色或服装的词。


3. In case of a heavy foggy day in winter, it is advisable to do morning exercise indoors.

4. do morning exercise的解释

4. You don't play well as i do for your age 2. He's so kind that everybody likes him. 3. It's important to doing exercise for me. 4. John is my favorite singer, and you? 5. Someone send me a gift this morning.
在你这个年龄,你不能向我踢的一样好 2、他是如此和蔼,每个人都喜欢他 3、对我来说锻炼是很重要的 4、约汉是我最喜欢的歌手,你喜欢谁呢?

5. It`s good to do morning exercise.

6. do morning exercise

6. Do some out-of-door exercise every morning.

7. In the Morning, I get up an hour earlier than my family, so I can own lightheartedness one hour. Playing a piece of favorite music, I drink a cup of water. Following the music, I do exercise or dance. Let my heart and my body vivify to lightness under the melody.

8. I'm not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise.

9. Wake up in the morning, with the closing eyes and the alarm clock music " right or wrong topic " I do exercise, give a stretch, kick legs and clap hands, it actually feels like still in the dream!

10. do morning exercise

10. I do morning exercise everyday, so that I can have strong body to protect you.

11. do morning exercise

11. It's good for your health to do more exercise in the morning.

12. I used to do morning exercise, but now I don't.

13. do morning exercise是什么意思

13. B:i like sports, so i always do some exercise in the morning. and you?

14. Do morning exercise is good for your health.

15. It is necessary to do morning exercise in the morning.

16. We do morning exercise before class every day.

17. Thirdly, wed better do morning exercise every day, do sports frequently to make our bodies strong.

18. The Best way of promoting health and prolonging life is to do physical exercise for half an hour every morning.

19. Every morning several dozens of people gather in the park to do morning exercise.

20. do morning exercise

20. Wake up in the morning, with the closing eyes and the alarm clock music " right or wrong topic " I do exercise, give a stretch, kick legs and clap hands, it actually feels like still in the dream!

It's good to do morning exercise.(早锻炼是有好处的。)
Usually I go jogging four times a week, and I always go in the morning because for me it's the best time to exercise because it keeps me awake all day, but at the moment I don't do any other exercise.(一般来说,一周里有四天我会慢跑,我通常会在早上慢跑,因为我认为早上是锻炼的最佳时间,可以让我一整天保持清醒,除了慢跑我没有做其他的运动。)
This morning I used my “extra” hour at the gym. I spent more time stretching and on the various exercise machines than I do usually and it felt great.(今天早上,我利用这”额外“的一小时健身,我用了比平常更多的时间来做操和用各种健身器材锻炼,感觉非常好。)
Do you do any regular morning exercise?(你做任何有规律的晨练吗?)
I'm accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise.(我习惯了这么早起床进行晨练。)
She said, I do morning exercise every day.(“她说:”我每天都进行晨练。)
After getting up each morning, do proper amount exercise, and have more vegetables or fruits.(每天早上起床,做适当的运动,要多吃蔬菜多吃水果…)
Therefore, it is highly recommended that in cold days, the elderly people had better have a sound sleep and do morning exercise when the sun comes out.(所以老年人还是趁天冷睡个懒觉,太阳出来了再去锻炼最好。)
You better do some exercise every morning.(你最好每天早上都锻炼一下身体。)
Every morning, I do a laughter exercise-i smile, wave my hands, and jump. The more I do it, the more vital I feel.(每天早晨我都做一种笑容练习——我微笑、挥手、跳跃。我做得越多,感觉自己越有活力。)
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